I want to do everything. Is that too much to ask?

Feb 22, 2009 20:11

Wow, I've so many things to tell/write today... I've done a lot of things this week end, and next week I'll be more busy than ever... Monday starts the new semester at University; fortunately (for my "beauty" sleep XD) all my lectures are in the afternoon so I can sleep till late (unless when I go to the swimming pool or I have to do something for my parents) but I have to reorganize my part-time and the lectures aren't so good in this semester... the international part is over and we'll talk about finance, penal proceedings, civil proceedings and sociology of law... booooooring! Except for sociology I think... penal proceedings scares me and I don't even know why... XD but this is irrilevant cos it's next week stuff...

Thursday I cleaned the whole house and my back still hurts... I woke up at 8 a.m. and I cleaned till midnight... I took some little pauses, of course, for reply at some mails/posts and during lunch I've made few second of my last video... that is almost done... there are some color to fix and some other little things... but my back is still hurt and I'm 22... my back should be fine even if someone throws me a car. But tomorrow I'll be fine... I'm pretty sure about that... ;)

Friday I spent 14 hours out for documents and stuff like that. When I was at home I felt like a wet rag...

And finally Saturday the reunion! I met with my friends river__  and laz75  ! Last time I saw them was almost two months ago during the Christmas holidays... I missed them so much and, I can tell, that was the greatest day of my February... and not just because I spent more or less the whole month at home studing but I spent a really wonderfull day and I also met *new* people, very nice people.
I had a little preview about Giorgino, I'll see him again in April at my first Con in London *YAY*! But I can't call that a big reunion cos  mrbartleboom and darkbeba  weren't there :( I really hope to see those two before april...

Yesterday we went to see Inkheart!

I liked the movie so much! Some scenes was filmed in Alassio... near to my city, I go every summer in Alassio for the beach and the clubs... I mean Brendan Fraser in Alassio and I lost him? DAMN... he's the only human been that is hot even if that hairstyle... the story is very nice but one thing pissed me off... at one poit the gang is near the beach and the crazy auntie arrives with clothes and coffe... but NOT normal coffe... "walk coffe" like starbucks but we don't have that such of things... I was mad cos I WANT Starbucks in Italy WHY WE DON'T HAVE STARBUCKS? DAMN! I mean I totally understand that here we cannot drink an espresso Grande or Venti cos the espresso is really strong and a little espresso coffee cup can keep you awake for hours... but still... I WANT A STARBUCKS! How cool is walk through the street with a big coffe in your hand while you go to university? *________* 
Coffe apart the movie is very good! ;)

In the morning (before the movie) I was introduced to Raffie and we ate chinese at her place, watch Doctor Horrible in DVD (waiting the food) and then Doll House... did I mention that DollHouse rocks??? No? Well DOLL HOUSE ROCKS! The second episode was even better than the pilot! Eliza is stunning and I like all the carachters so much... but I'm worried... all Firefly's fault... I saw Firefly like an years ago and I fell in love with the show immediatly and, even if, I knew that it was cancelled I was so damn sad after I finished it... I don't want to be upset again... I hate this thing about tv shows... :(

Btw after the great episode of Doll House we went to the movieand after we went to the Japanese... I ate A LOT... I can feel the rice in my stomach even now, after more than 24 hours... this morning I woke up with a salmon alive in my mouth! XD
After the dinner I met Ginny, Fra and FINALLY Giorgino awww he's so funny... we made fun of him about his middle name... Fulcron... not so common here in Italy XD he sayd to us that his middle name started with an F. and we tryed to guess which was the right one... you can't imagine how many strange names comes out like Fiordaliso XD So we started to call him Fiordy or Fiordino but at the end someon (I don't remember who) guessed... lol, hilarious!!!

At the end of the evening we went to a club for a drink... when I come back home I was really really REALLY tired (but happy)... I jumped out of my jeans and I died in bad.. I woke up this morning with my socks and my t-shirt XD and of course the salmon drunk and alive in my mouth! XD

And, in the end, today I have do NOTHING! Just relax :)! Great week end! ;)

!movies, life: ery!verse, tv show: dollhouse, !friends

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