I love my TV shows: part 2

Nov 20, 2008 20:34

Second part of my "group reviews"!
After a loooooooooong day at university I needed relax, and here I am.. In front of my monitor still sad about the fact that my TV shows are going on break till jenuary soon... And it's time for my brilliant House, my cool Peter and my atlethic Nathan. I'm determined to see all this shows tonight! I'm brave, YAY me XD

Can Jimmy be more cute? I know he didn't do anything in the episode but he's still so cute!
At the beginning was a good episode... Kutner on one case and Foreman on another, 2 PotW (Foreman's was more cute ;) ) I was worried for the little kid but thanks God Foreman had his epiphany and finds a way to saves him without begging House too much! I loved the fact that he's gone to Chase and Cameron for the differential!!! I loved ALL the scenes about the olt team.. I still don't like the new one!
As I sayd it starts well with Kutner on the case but than he dessapears and 13 takes his place... why don't go on with Kutner? Too many characters to manage??? Shore... learn from the best... watch Doctor Who and learn from the brilliant Russel T Davies... read his book dude ;)
Btw LOL at Foreman who did puppy-eyes when he asked House about the reserch XD
And I aspected a rivelation about Jimmy and his feelings for Cuddy... but maybe it's too soon... and I didn't like at all the end with the BFF looks at her in the lobby meh! More House/Cameron pleaseeeeee!
13's real name is Remy??? O________o

This is the other House's banner... I like this too so....

Best line:
Chase: I think we gave him an idea.
Cameron: Either that or he's off to kill House.
Cameron's face was priceless ^^;

Thanks JJ for this tv show! Thank you so much!
Walter: They hoped to broadcast the flashing lights during commercials So that the viewers would have no choice But to buy their products. Unfortunately it merely caused nausea. Which was unfortunate because apparently People don't like to shop When they feel like they're going to throw up. Brilliant XD and when he starts to sing Jingle Bells? LOL!
No much Broyles in this episode. Only few scenes :(
My favourite scene was the Piano scene... Olivia looks at Peter and he looks at her and Walter is totally a shipper ^^;
I don't do math anymore...
I completly understand the chinese guy, don't worry mate, ME NEITHER, I hate math... I totally understand why you pissed off XD
Poor Walter in his cell with... another Walter :( broke my heart saw him again in the istitution alone, in that tiny bed, in that tiny cell, and Peter outside, he promised him that when he got out, he would be right there, waiting for him.
And poor Olivia too felt so guilty about all the situation...
Peter loves his father, he's capable of everything for his daddy! And when Walter tells him that he failed with Dashiell like It was all for nothing and askd to him : Is that what it's like to talk to me? I was about to cry!
What a bitch the woman who kidnapped the kid and the chinese guy... she showed them what they wanted to saw and than she tooks it away... bitch
They have to find a red castel... and then, in front of Olivia, a castel... an *surprise* is red! LOL I
Peter: Nice to be home right?
Walter: This place is filthy.
Piter: Did you have a party while I was gone?
Walter: No Walter I didn't have a party. I don't want you
And at the end... THE apple O__________o

Awww I love this kind of episode.. old style, old dersses, old hairstyles,... old everything! :)
I almost died when I saw Dan kisses Haley O______o it seems so wrong.. maybe 'cause Haley beck to the future is married with is son??? Yeah maybe... XD And then with Peyton? What's wrong with him? XD
I didn't recognize Julian at first... btw he was perfect as Dan's henchman.
Nathan, Haley and the rain... as always the perfect combination!

WTF happened at Peyton at the end? Oh gosh like in the dream (kinda)

The end... of this... It's not over! I've to see: Pushing Daisies and then in the week end Merin, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives! O_____o BUT the important thing to see this week is: Einstein and Eddington! David *_________*

Isn't he cute? I think that is so hot even if is not ruffle!
I have to pack. Tomorrow is the day! My big reunion YAY! Verona i'm coming! ;)

!reviews, tv show: fringe, tv show: one tree hill, tv show: house

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