episode review: (Game of Thrones) 7x05 Eastwatch

Aug 14, 2017 21:52

After an episode like that I cannot just move on with my life and give my attention to the next thing. I need to talk about this!

I've been commenting on the episode with some friends over text messages and I'm glad to say we were all very impressed with it. I cannot wait for Eric to get home so he can see it too and have his mind blown!

Here some random thoughts and theories (?) from yours truly:

- I would have never guessed the episode would have opened with Bronn fishing Jaime out of the water. I thought we would have had an episode without him and Cersei gulping down some wine while crossing another name on the family tree. But no. Bronn to the rescue! How can he be so sassy after what he went through? Let's keep this guy alive and let's give him a castle when we finally have peace...

- Daenerys asking to bend the knee or die makes sense after all... Every ruler asks for that... Taking them as prisoners would have been a kinder option, but she is sort of losing at the moment and she needs to keep showing straight. I don't think her action was so unexpected or "wrong" we're at war... Thing is, knowing who her father was, and having Cersei playing the card "she is a foreigner that fights with savage foreigners" thi s doen't help her cause... But she did all that mess on the battle field, not in Kings Landing and she has shown she could have done it. And here they go all the Dickon jokes though... I'm not going to miss Sam's father, not even a bit!

- Said all that I feel a bit like Tyrion walking on that waste land. War is not fun and they were just men following orders... Still they weren't innocents, they killed too, during this battle and even before... How many people did they kill in High Garden? Tyrion (like Jaime) is sort of tired of all this killing though... And I feel his concern and pain!

- Jaime is back home in 3 seconds (Westeros Transportations uses very fast vehicles) and he gives some bad news to Cersei: "She has 3 dragons" woah woah woah Jaime... SPOILER ALERT! He also says to her that Olenna the Queen of Shades had a last sassy moment before dying and confessed she killed Geoffrey... I love how Jaime is the first to imply ALWAYS that guy was a twisted mess, and everyone goes "fair enough" and moves on to the next topic!

- Jon pets Drogon and I melt! I was waiting for this. It was in my list of things I wanted and I had my wish granted! Dany's face is everything and Drogon accepted Jon as his new daddy! Now let'd Dany pet Ghost and let's have him roll over for her like a good dog! Dany and Jon are so gorgeous together and they're getting closer day after day! He's about to tell her about the stabby-stabby moment but Jorah-Friendzoned-Mormont arrives and gives another chance to Dany to look like a great ruler in front of Jon. I forgive you Jorah.

- Bran is tripping and sees the White Walker slowly getting to Eastwatch. He sends some teleporting Crows (Crows are faster than texts now) to that group of librarians that believe they're smarter than they are while they're not and Sam tries to put some sense in them but they are too full of sh!t. "A cripple boy says..." did Bran forgot to sign Bran STARK at the end of the message? I wish this guys were a little bit more north than they are so the Night King could take care of them.

- Varys and Tyrion have a pillow talk with some wine and they talk about mundane things like people on fire and stuff. I love them! I don't think Dany is out of control, it's a war. She didn't go to Kings Landing to kill innocent people... Being beheaded or burnt in a breath of fire is not that different. There was no suffering. It took a second. Dany listens and she will listen, but she needed to show them that she has the power and she could take Kings Landing in 30 minutes, but she is not her father.

- Time for the WORST PLAN EVER. Let's go kidnap a White Walker. How? They don't camp for the night. They march together... How do you think you can kidnap one? You and who Jorah? And whom else? Such a stupid plan and Dany fears she won't see her Jon again and I melt because I ship this too hard!

- I knew Arya is not 100% fine with Sansa! I KNEW IT! She blames her for what happened to their father. I need a confrontation! I NEED IT! I NEED MORE THAN THAT!

- Tyrion and Davos use the motor-boat (I mean how can they go so fast) and get to Kings Landing. I wonder if they stayed in silence on the journey because as soon as they get off the boat they start some small talk that you can only have in Westeros "Last time I was here I killed my father" "Last time I was here you burnt my son" #awkward

- Bronn surprises Jaime and it's not even his birthday. He brings him to Tyrion and we all know they want to hug and never let go!

- Davos goes to the market and comes back with Gendry and I don't know why I totally knew it but still I jumped! Gendry is so over his day job that leaves all behind and follows Davos and Tyrion.

- Jaime bring some more news to Cersei and she's not very impressed because he stole her thunder, she wanted to say to him she has a bun in the oven. Jaime asked who supplied the yeast (understandably so) and she's not even hurt by the assumption. And now she has Jaime wrapped around her finger again... So it's either a lie and she's not pregnant, or she is and she's going to lose it because she drinks way too much. If she is pregnant, and stays that way it would be even more powerful a scene where Jaime kills her and then kills himself! "Never betray me again" #lol

- Gendry has been told not to say who he is but he's a Jon Snow fan and loses his sh!t and spills the bean.

- Dany and Jon has to say goodbye and the sexual tension is killing me! Jorah and Tyrion notice it too... You can feel that they are not that happy to separate, but he has to come back! HE HAS TO!

- Sam finally decides it's time to leave that place and HE MISSES THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER! So now we not only know that Jon is a Targaryen... we also know Rhaegar MARRIED Lyanna Stark so he has more claim to the throne that Dany... SAM YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTEN!

- Littlefinger is plotting something and Arya follows him... It seems like Arya has been fooled by Lord Baelish BUT I don't think so. Arya can change faces... If she wanted to follow him without being busted she would have taken another identity. She's too smart to be fooled like this! I believe in you Arya Stark! Still, if she believes in what she read (the message that Sansa was forced to write to Robb while in Kings Landing back in season 1) that could bring to the confrontation I want and need!

- Jon reaches Tormund who would have liked better to see Brianne and convinces him to follow the stupid plan. Tormund has a surprise for him, the Hound and 2 members of the Brotherhood want to go behind the wall to kick some a$$, so the 7 men... Did I say it already I think it's a stupid plan? I have a bad feeling about this!

Here we go! What did you think about Eastwatch? Did you enjoy it? What was the part that shocked you the most? Please let me know in your comments!!!

ship: daenerys/jon, #awkward, tv show: game of thrones, #lol

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