I'm writing fic! I don't know why - I can't really remember when I last wrote fic (properly, I mean, not in my head). It's not particularly *good* fic (Eleven and Rory won't shut up for love or money so the intro's dragging out a bit). But it's fic! It's going to have plot and everything!
It was inspired (whee! pretentiousness!) by the audio "Dead of Winter" where I basically went: I want someone to write this very specific idea I have. I've never seen it in fic and I kind of want it explored, so several months down the track I just went: welllll, I have an assignment I need to finish today. Let's not. Let's write fic instead!
I'll probably never get it finished as I feel all rusty and embarrassed for my grammar (and I still have the assignment to finish), but I'm excited. :P
It's Eleven, Amy and Rory with Amy/Rory (obviously - but not the focus of the story) and 11/River undertones and Doctor/Master overtones. :P There may/will be an element of 11/OMC (which will be very relevant and sort of core to the plot! You'll see. :D)
I imagine a lot of it is going to be plots and intrigues and so forth, which should be fun. And it's not set on Earth!
If I actually write it all, I daresay it could be long - I expect I'll post it bit by bit on DW, LJ and Teaspoon and then (if I ever finish it) do some clean up and repost it as a better whole.
What do you think?
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