New layout as you can see, it' very simple but I wanted it just like this. Probably I'll get tired with it very soon, but for now I like it. I do like the new profile layout too, and it's very basic as well!
Anyway this post is for the picspam I made for the new challange over
picspammy it's about the Tropes, and when I read "Separated by the wall" I immediately thought about Mick&Beth.
Tropes: Separated by the wall
A stock visual metaphor, if you will. Some people (usually a man and woman pair) are separated by a wall, window, or other barrier. The wall is obviously an obstacle, but not the whole of the obstacle; the couple are prevented from uniting by some other means which the wall represents, either a physical cage or cell of some sort, or some form of emotional separation, like a relationship problem.
In order to make the best of this image, the couple will often press their heads against the same spot of the wall, on opposite ends, and the camera will move around the set to show that they are physically very near to each other, but still incapable of touching. If the couple is lucky, they will have a small hole or window to communicate through.
Beth: Look, you've been saying for months now that things can't work between us, that we live in different worlds. And I didn't want to hear you, but maybe you're right. You can't come back to my world and I'm not ready to join yours.
Mick: Wait. You think that that's what this is about? You think I'm gonna wanna turn you?
Beth: Wouldn't you? Eventually? And what happens when I start to get old? Maybe then I'd want it, too. I don't ever want to have to make that decision. Emma and Jackson made me realize that you were right. I don't think I can do this anymore.
Mick's voice over: I spent the past 55 years trying to close the door on forever. But I can’t anymore. I can’t close the door on Beth.
Mick: You want to know what Emma and Jackson made me realize? That you were right. You were right all along. This isn't about being a vampire or a human. This is about us and how we feel about one another right here, right now.
Beth: The night that we first met, or met again, whatever, what was I wearing?
Mick: Blue jeans, white striped shirt, cream jacket.
Beth: What about my shoes?
Mick: You were barefoot.
Beth: How can you remember that?
Mick: Because I love you.
There's always been a wall between Mick and Beth, not only a physical, real wall as the one from the scene, but even a mental one. Mick have always tried to go away from Beth because of his nature, but she did the same a few times. Fortunately both walls broke so they can be together at the end!