For all those who miss unique, quality Snarry, I can only recommend reading
Learning by
It's a well thought-out, captivating story.
I particularly like her Snape, the way he is in character all the time (and you will believe me if I tell you I'm totally fed up with all those aspirations of undying luuuuurve, won't you?). Harry is rather unorthodoxly clinical, but in this story it fits perfectly and really impresses me.
What is utterly amazing is the near complete lack of dialogue. I believe it's possibly the only way to pull off a first person narrative convincingly, and in this case it's very well done.
This story also manages completely without POV switches. Unmotivated switches of perspective are my pet peeve No 1 in fanfiction, and they annoy the hell out of me. I'm allergic, even. I'm not against multi-POV stories, but if the switches occur in mid-paragraph I'm regularly found grinding my teeth. This story was so vivid with only Harry's POV, and I think having it any other way would have done it harm.
Erotic, as contradictory as it might seem.
spark_of_chaos makes the clinical, matter-of-fact style come across subtly, enchantingly erotic, and not only throughout the sex scene(s). Thereby she also forgoes any kind of fluff (yay!) and both main characters are easily drawn out as 'men', by which I mean the refreshing absence of all the 'girlish' traits one finds so often in slash stories.
And although Draco/Harry usually irks me, I found that I truly like, and believe, her Draco. Very well done, indeed, and very much worth reading!