I like what she has to say. So often, I think that people, especially women, are forced into modes of self deprecation in order to "fit in" or satisfy others.
Well fuck that.
There's no need to bring oneself down in order to be "humble" or avoid being labeled a braggart. One can balance the line between groveling humility and self insulting and over-the-top bragging.
So, without further ado, my affirmations:
I am freakin' adorable. I have a great rack. I have gorgeous eyes. I am patient, willing to work hard, and understanding. Everyday, I develop my stock of wisdom and hone my insight. People love me, whether or not I deserve it. I fuckin' deserve to be loved. I have a man in my life as awesome as I am. Part of his awesomeness is in recognizing MY awesomeness and appreciating all of it, even the off-the-wall parts of it. I am intelligent and capable.