Apr 04, 2005 17:20
When's the last time I wrote in my journal? A WHILE AGO!!! Well, we went to NOVA and had an awesome time! We got in around 1:30am and then woke up around 8:30 and chilled with my Dad all day long which was awesome, and I actually watched real TV. I got my hair did, and it looks fab! Tony, my parents, and I went to go see Sin City that night and well, I can't sit through anything so it was a lil rough but the movie has cool graphics, I've never seen a movie like it. When we got home we were pooooooped and went to bed. Saturday it was sooo gross and stormy, COLD too. We all went to Tysons Galleria (where Chanel, Versace, Hugo Boss, Lacoste... all have stores), Tony had never been there and all he did was laugh at the rich people. Lunch was at a Lebonese place and WOW, wish we had it here cause that stuff is damn damn damn good! I recommend it to everyone, but it can get spicy. We went to Four Sisters for dinner, Vietnamese or as Tony says it VietManese, it was OK, but not as good as Lebonese Taverna. That night we watched The Motercycle Diaries, and again I couldn't sit through it, but that was such a good movie, I recommend it. Then on Sunday we came back to Jacksonville - glad it was sunnier for longer - and now he is at work and I just got back from shopping! 5 shirts for $39.00 at Ross. If you wanna see my picture link just let me know. OK, well I think I might go pick up, but it is really nice outside so I'm not sure. I know this is boring like all my others ones!