So, I am over on dreamwidth --
eruthros @ dreamwidth. The plan is to have that be my fannish journal; by open beta, I plan to flock this lj and have all the fannish content there. (Which means no family members, guys, I mean it.)
Basically, I'm using this as an opportunity to make this split -- I've been planning to for years, and then it always seems like too much work and anyway people know me by this name and blahblahblah. But now, well, they've given me an import tool, I'm gonna go back and delete out the identifying-info stuff that always seemed like an overwhelming task before.
So, here's how this is going to work: April 30th, this journal goes flocked and the fannish content goes poof. New fannish and semi-fannish content will be over at dreamwidth. (Older fannish content that somebody might've bookmarked for some god-knows-why reason will be replaced with a link to the same post on dreamwidth.) Eventually, if I think of a new name, this journal might have a non-fannish pseudonym; links to eruthros.lj will still point here.
I've been here since 2001, but I am really looking forward to this split in the journals -- what kind of content will I be able to have when I don't feel relatives looking over my should on unflocked posts? And when everything here will be comfortably flocked? Also, I have been looking forward to dreamwidth so much, and I just, oh man, just setting up my profile made me feel so happy and so welcome and did I mention happy? And it's fixing so many of the things that bothered me about lj, oh, love.
So! As a consequence of this, I am going back through old posts. The last time I did this was when tags were first introduced, and I mostly just skimmed posts. And man, was I an idiot back then. Oh god. When I first started thinking through what this was going to mean, I was like "over on dreamwidth I will private-lock old posts about school, and leave up the fannish and sorta-fannish stuff." And now I am sort of reconsidering that option. Seriously, guys, never look at posts from eight years ago. OH GOD.
Also, eight years ago, I had much less of a divide in the content of a post. I mean, right now it's like "politics, slash, another political point, I <3 pajama pants," but it was even more the case when I started this lj -- I keep looking at posts going "well, okay, so it mentions my job, so, private-lock... but on the other hand, it mentions a cracktastic Smallville/X-Files crossover, so, open... but on the other hand, information about my taxes. Huh."