
Apr 29, 2010 23:52

Sorry I have been gone so long. It is a very long, unpleasant story. But I will shorten it. I have been having crippling back problems- complications from scoliosis -and the pain that goes with it, plus having a right leg that no longer works properly because of the back problems has left me pretty miserable. Add to that a sequence of events that left me with no income and no medical insurance, and I was seriously considering just giving it all up and dying. I truly had no hope for the future there for a while. But a miracle has occurred, and I can't thank God enough for giving me a second chance.

So, after a year and a half of suffering, I will finally be having my back surgery on May 5th! It'll be a week in the hospital and 6 months recovery. I will be able to do stuff again!!! I can't wait. I am nervous, because any surgery is scary. But I literally have nothing to lose. The alternative to not having this surgery is not pretty.

So I hope that soon enough I will be well enough to interact with humanity again.
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