i take no responsibility for this.

Nov 05, 2010 00:44

In fact, I blame this entirely on kimboosan.

There I was innocently remarking on Twitter how much this picture of Sam and Dean (taken from here) reminded me of a trashy m/m romance cover.

She had to wonder if the m/m equivalent of a 'bodice ripper' was a 'codpiece yanker'.

And so, here you have it:

The Hunter's Tale [947 words, PG13, crack, AU, Sam ( Read more... )

writings, spn

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Comments 9

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erushi November 6 2010, 09:59:12 UTC

I wonder if it's because bodices are seen as restrictive, while codpieces, I don't know, build a man up (quite literally)? So perhaps it shouldn't be a codpiece yanker, but a codpiece stuffer...? *mulls*


(The comment has been removed)

erushi November 6 2010, 10:03:05 UTC

I approve of this line of thinking. :D :D :D


kimboosan November 6 2010, 02:04:19 UTC
HAHAHAHAAA! Oh I love this dearly, more than words (or my sporfles) can relate effectively. You are so awesome. ♥

The flowerly prose is over the top and yet, somehow, totally fits. As do the cod pieces. *cough* I love the fact that specificity has never been Heaven's strong suit...for truth! HA!

(I'd love to rec this at my journal, because everyone should see it. Is that okay?)


erushi November 6 2010, 10:02:13 UTC
*tips hat* ♥ ♥ ♥

I've unlocked it now, so rec away!


dragonlit November 6 2010, 17:27:59 UTC
So glad kimboosan rec'd this! I cannot stop laughing and that's a good thing. :D

The Impala steed, the town of Winchester, the codpieces, and Castiel's fondness for a good breeze! OMG, hilarious. I have no other coherent words to express how much I loved this!


erushi November 8 2010, 22:34:11 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you liked it! I know I definitely had way too much fun writing it. *g* Thanks for reading!


tawg November 6 2010, 22:18:46 UTC
“Winchester is a big city, and there are many people.”
Suuuure, boys (boyes?), keep telling yourselves that.

This is such a cracky fic - I highly approve!


erushi November 8 2010, 22:32:37 UTC
Hee, I'm glad! *tips hat*


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