Daring Cooks: Pierogi (August 2010)

Aug 14, 2010 06:06

Another Daring Cooks post, hurrah. Which I appear to be doing once every two months now, instead of monthly. Ah well. *headdesk*

Anyway! This month's was pierogi. I'd never heard of pierogi before prior to this challenge, and was as such rather eager to try my hand at it.

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photos, daring cooks, food

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Comments 17

Yum! anonymous August 14 2010, 05:37:30 UTC
They look delicious! I can just imagine how hard it would be to balance, with my shots (coming tomorrow) I had to balance the plate on my knee and I thought that was awkward lol

- Heather


Re: Yum! erushi August 24 2010, 13:41:52 UTC
Your shot came out beautifully, though. But yes, thank you!


callistosh65 August 14 2010, 05:46:25 UTC
Aw, man - your talent for food together with these pictures just make me want.. NOW!!

It all looks scrumptious.


erushi August 24 2010, 13:14:41 UTC
Hee! Then I consider my job done. *g* Thanks hon!


lukadreaming August 14 2010, 12:42:51 UTC
Yum! I did wonder when I saw the photos -- and before I read what you'd written -- how similar they were to the potstickers you made for us in Derbyshire.


erushi August 24 2010, 13:21:52 UTC
Oh, they are! The only noticeable differences were the addition of an egg to the dough (though really, there was so much flour that I don't think it made much of a difference, taste-wise) and a different palate for the filling. And the folding style too, I guess, but that's something generic enough that I don't it it matters at all.

Will you be heading for Derbyshire too this year?


lukadreaming August 24 2010, 16:57:23 UTC
Ah, I *thought* they were, but I wasn't sure!

I can't go to Derbyshire this year -- waaaah! I'm away the first weekend, then I can't get time off during the week :o(

Hope you have fun!


anappletree August 14 2010, 14:48:50 UTC
Looks yuummmmmy : D I bet they were yummy too : )

Btw when are you headed back to London? I'm headed back on 11 Sept, maybe we should meet up while I'm home : )


erushi August 24 2010, 13:23:41 UTC
They were! My sister and I ate so many of them, ohmygoodness. :

If all goes well,* I'll be heading back to London on 23 September. We should totally meet up in SG while we're both here! Do you have my SG mobile no.?

* totally depending on whether I get my visa on time - right now, that looks rather doubtful ._.


anonymous August 14 2010, 17:42:06 UTC
These look fantastic, and great job holding both camera and pierogi in chopsticks!



erushi August 24 2010, 13:42:58 UTC
Thank you! :)


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