Reading can be fun!

Apr 29, 2007 20:03

I read a book yesterday! This is somewhat momentous because I rarely read books anymore. Very little appeals to me or holds my interest - I've got a shelf full of books I started on vacation and never finished. However, a co-worker told me about Jasper FForde's The Eyre Affaire and it sounded like just the sort of thing I would enjoy. I thought the ending was a bit facile, but I like the world FForde creates (the Richard III scene is wonderful), and the discussion of Shakespeare's true identity is quite interesting.

I've mentioned before that reading tends to trigger solutions to plot problems in my own writing. I'm not sure why, because it's never a matter of 'Oh, that's a great Idea - I think I'll use that' (which would be plagiarism, obviously). I have all the parts sketched for the next two chapters of flom, which only leaves me with one chapter and the epilogue left to write (since the final two chapters are already written). I started this thing four years ago, and it's high time I finished it and kicked Celebrimbor and Gil-galad out of the condo.

misc, fic whinage

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