Apr 22, 2007 08:05

Title: For Love of Mithril (Ch 16/22)
Pairing: Celebrimbor/Gil-galad
Rating: R
Summary: WIP. Guilt and ghosts of the past lead Celebrimbor to betray his King and lover.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: m/m, gratuitous Galadriel abuse

For Love of Mithril: Eregion, SA 1590
I changed the summary slightly due to a reader's impression that the story was not clearly labelled as 'slash'. anna_wing had an interesting post this weekend about demands for warnings on historical romances, and it occurred to me that the rules in fan fiction are more stringent than those for published books. For the most part, writers do include warnings of possible squicks. However, in many cases, those warnings also serve as advertisement. I was rather reluctant to include the word 'slash' in the summary, in part because I think it should be obvious from the pairing, but also because the word tends to be associated with the Erestor/Glorfindel 'insert Elf A into Elf B' genre. With the handicap of having actually read the books, I'm going to disappoint anyone looking for mindless porn.

Given that ff.net doesn't allow any sort of punctuation in summaries (poor Gil-galad has now lost his hyphen), I can't use the conventional / in the pairing, and I agreed with the reader that the summary might be misread. Whether or not slash should be considered a squick is a whole different topic - the political me insists that slash should be treated the same as het, but the practical me picks the right battle.

I'll confess that I was also hesitant because I didn't want to draw the anti-slash police, who have ignored me thus far. (Does anyone get the feeling that ff.net is currently run by a one-armed paperhanger with no staff? We're now getting 'click here to skip this ad' pages and ads that cause McAfee to block the pages entirely because they have malignant scripts. The faq and help files have completely disappeared, and there is no e-mail address for contacting the site. I think it might be close to going under.) There are some real problems with troll reviewers at ff.net (I haven't been a beneficiary, and I wouldn't put the anti-slash people in this particular basket). Under no circumstances should the site allow profane and sexually-graphic attacks on writers, particularly when the rating of the story itself wouldn't allow that kind of language. Censoring reviewers is a slippery slope - some feel that mention of a typo is an attack - but I think a line can easily be drawn where the review hits an NC-17 rating.

To my great annoyance, The Children of Húrin did not ship on April 17, the publication date. Nor did it ship yesterday, the date given by Amazon for shipment - it's now delayed until the end of May. Thus, I cancelled the deluxe edition and ordered the regular hardback with 1-day shipping. ::sporks Amazon::

fic ssp, gil-galad, celebrimbor, fic

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