If only I could do manips...

Dec 04, 2006 06:08

If the artist had used a male slave rather than a female, this illustration from the Roman baths would make a great illustration for elf-hair fetish pr0n fics. (Which, of course, I would never write. Or read. With much enjoyment.)

Note that we even have a convenient Phial of Oil.

Speaking of pr0n, I finally managed to write some (or as near as I get to explicit sex). And it includes elf-hair, of course. So, I now have a mostly complete chapter of Flom that just needs to go through about a dozen edits. Annatar (The Maia Formerly Known As Sauron) is finally making his move. I've got a lot of bits written for the final chapters - whether or not they'll survive, I'm not sure, but the last chapter, I think, will, and a good part of that is written. (Yay! I have an ending!)

Finally, sending good healing vibes Al Wilson's way - to understand what this man means to the Broncos, you only had to look at the faces of the players and fans last night. He's more than a great linebacker - he's the heart of the team, the guy who constantly rallies the fans to bring on the noise, and by all accounts, a leader on and off the field. He's the kind of player who has made football the most popular spectator sport in the US - a guy who plays to win championships, not to win his next eight-digit deal from the highest bidder.

broncos, tolkien, fic

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