On the whole, I'd rather be at Disney World

Nov 19, 2006 06:10

  • Why am I working on Sunday, you ask? Because we have entered that season known as 'January Renewals', during which I live, breathe and bleed insurance. Also, I can indulge in a McMuffin and feel justified about it.

  • For some unfathomable reason, our season's tickets to the theatre have a Sunday performance. We have the Saturday matinee slot because a) neither Mom nor I can stay awake for evening performances and b) it doesn't interfere with Sunday Afternoon Worship. Fortunately, CBS understood our plight and rescheduled the Bronco game for this evening.

  • We were going to give the newly-opened light rail line a spin when we went to the play, but the Sunday rush-home-before-the-game-starts thing put the kibosh on that. However, I'm sort of excited about light rail - we've never had decent public transportation in Denver, and the new line runs directly from my condo to my workplace. On the one hand, it's more expensive than driving, since I have a fuel-efficient car. On the other, the station at home is about a half-mile away, which would give me much-needed exercise. And, of course, there's that good-for-the-environment bit.

  • JC Chasez's new single, 'Until Yesterday' is out! Try it! Buy it! JC deserves every bit as much success as Justin has had (and don't get me wrong - I adore Justin and I think FS/LS shows that he's more than a pretty boybander). JC, however, has more musical and vocal talent than all the rest of the boybanders rolled together, and he seriously deserves a break. Ever since the first time I heard NSync's version of 'Sailing', I've been blown away by his range and power.

  • Don't you hate it when you finally find the quote you needed for a story you wrote three years ago? (And, of course, you can't find the one you need for the current story.) Still, the next chapter of FLOM is coming along in spits and I did find what I needed for the next next chapter - I just have to work out how it will fall into the overall story.

  • Stuff I'm reading:

    Eilian and the Lembas Maiden's Kiss by daw the minstrel - new story by my favourite Mirkwood elves author. Daw is one of those few people who can write OCs who are every bit as interesting as the canon characters, and even when the story focuses on them - as this one does - she never forgets that the purpose is to give her readers a slice of Tolkien's world.

    Beyond the Dimrill Gate by Jay of Lasgalen. This is a fantastic gap filler about Aragorn's journey through Moria. I don't know whether it's ever said that he travelled alone - in this story, he is accompanied by Elladan and Elrohir. The premise for entering Moria is a little flimsy, as I think all three are too wise to go looking for trouble in a cave they know to be infested with Orcs. Never mind that - we all know the three of them are going to survive, but Jay creates real tension nonetheless, and there are some wonderful hints about the future.

    Another Man's Cage by Dawn Felagund. Is anyone not reading this story? I could go on for ages about the character development, the foreshadowing and the realistic picture of Fëanor as a father prior to the making of the Silmarilli, but what I love most is Dawn's illustration of daily Elven life in Aman.

    O, Cruel Fate by Greywing (you need to be a member of HASA to get here). This story is a very clever take on the 'girl falls into Middle-earth' story. In this case, our botanist wakes up as Glorfindel re-embodied and at the mercy of a hapless healer with delusions of healing powers to rival Elrond. Chaos ensues.

music, misc, fic whinage, fic

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