Photo Publishing: Got all my NY photos onto facebook. Was amazed again just how much that place held my heart and imagination. Missed it sorely. I am a city girl. I find great freedom in the sense of solitary life in the stream of countless other strangers. Though I don't know how long I could sustain such... it's something I can embrace for a time at least.
Music Consuming: A friend lent me Sufjan Stevens, Michigan. Melodic repetition has it's place. Reminds me of my Papa playing the guitar late at night and me being small. All curled up on the couch where his arm would brush my hair on energetic chords. Other song of the moment; Denison Witmer, Ringing of the Bell Tower.
Providence Training: The child is resisting the potty. With graphic results. *gulp*
Sniffling and Scratching: Recruited a head cold and great amounts of mosquito bites this weekend. Even had a slight fever earlier. Oh.. and the seemingly perpetual back ache. All which was well worth the rewards they are evidence of. Such as swing dancing and late night talks under breeze.
Praying: *smile* Like breathing. Coming in and out. Along with the grace and love and strength.
In Thanksgiving: I can't express enough how blessed I am to be surrounded by this cloud of witnesses. God is evident in their faces. I am humbled by their care and fortitude. To think... that we do this love thing ONLY because of Christ. I understand Paul's heart of sacrifice now, and am an observer of the glory it creates. His will is done. And it is beautiful.
Would the righteous still remain?
Would my body stay the same?
~ Sufjan