Economic links

Jan 23, 2010 08:55

Arguing for full globalisation and as superior to anything-but-labour globalisation.

A study that considers whether disaster relief can lead governments to under-invest in disaster prevention (pdf).

A moving montage of photos and commentary on the burden of aid and Haiti. How not to help Haiti after the earthquake. There are countries poorer than Haiti. Post with links on recent Haitian economic growth. Lessons from the South Asian tsunami. And from previous disasters generally.

Paper examining domestic politics and strategic policy influences on US humanitarian aid.

GDP per capita in 1820 of selected countries: until the early C20th, Australians had a higher average income than Americans.

Great post which compares US GDP per capita to EU country GDP per capita, US State GDP per capita to EU country GDP per capita and the GDP per capita of Americans of European descent with their ancestor’s EU country GDP per capita. Being in the US makes people richer.

A 1983 paper by James Tobin on the1982-83 recession that may seem strangely familiar.

Vernon Smith on experiments creating asset price bubbles and the madness of the US federal government seeking to keep house prices up.

Losses from the US stimulus spending that did not work are mounting.

Paper critiquing use of behavioural economics to justify new paternalism: the basic point is that regulators are not immune from the cognitive patterns identified as problematic for market operations.

Paper on evidence that restricting the use of eminent domain does work to restrain the size of the public sector.

Arguing that the RBA was responsible for Oz avoiding a recession.

Martin Luther King was a supporter of the guaranteed minimum income.

A speech on how commerce is friendlier to difference than politics or religion.

Nice example of how so much licensing is anti-competitive crap.

US federal road and bridge construction apparently has no effect on local unemployment rates. Stimulus “green job” spending apparently costs $135,000 per job.

Hong Kong ranked the world’s freest economy. The Index. Oz ranked 3rd, Kiwiland 4th and Switzerland is the only top 8 country not a former British colony.

Suggesting that Shanghai is not the private business hub people think it is or it ought to be:
The essence of the Shanghai model is to restrict the opportunities for Shanghai residents to become capitalists - but to create an efficient and attractive platform for foreign capitalists to set up production facilities. … The average Shanghainese are the richest proletariat in the country - but among the poorest capitalists in the country.

About the rural basis of China’s massive economic growth and the advantage that gives it over India:
For all their differences, Mao Zedong and the Chinese reform leadership of the 1980s had something in common: They both recognized the huge entrepreneurial potential of China’s rural residents.
Mao went to great lengths - through the commune system and the "Great Leap Forward" - to destroy those potentials because he understood the political ramifications of unleashing them.

The Chinese tiger faces extinction. Suggesting tiger farming as a solution. It worked for alligators.

How government policies are continuing to drive up Oz housing prices.

aid, economics, housing, haiti, policy

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