warming trends in central England since 1659. There is nothing exceptional about recent trends.
As the glaciers retreat in Alaska,
the land is rising.
The CIA (actually, from the article, mostly the NSA if it is satellite data)
is sharing data with climate scientists.
The Climategate/CRUTape letters reveal that the Oz temperature data
was in a particularly appalling state.
Various climate scientists
are predicting 20-30 years of cooling weather:
Professor Mojib Latif, a leading member of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) … who leads a research team at the renowned Leibniz Institute at Germany’s Kiel University, has developed new methods for measuring ocean temperatures 3,000ft beneath the surface, where the cooling and warming cycles start.
He and his colleagues predicted the new cooling trend in a paper published in 2008 and warned of it again at an IPCC conference in Geneva last September.
Last night he told The Mail on Sunday: ‘A significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th Century was due to these cycles - perhaps as much as 50 per cent.
'They have now gone into reverse, so winters like this one will become much more likely. Summers will also probably be cooler, and all this may well last two decades or longer.
‘The extreme retreats that we have seen in glaciers and sea ice will come to a halt. For the time being, global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling.’ …
Prof Anastasios Tsonis, head of the University of Wisconsin Atmospheric Sciences Group, has recently shown that these MDOs move together in a synchronised way across the globe, abruptly flipping the world’s climate from a ‘warm mode’ to a ‘cold mode’ and back again in 20 to 30-year cycles.
'They amount to massive rearrangements in the dominant patterns of the weather,’ he said yesterday, ‘and their shifts explain all the major changes in world temperatures during the 20th and 21st Centuries.
'We have such a change now and can therefore expect 20 or 30 years of cooler temperatures.’ …
Like Prof Latif, Prof Tsonis is not a climate change ‘denier’. There is, he said, a measure of additional ‘background’ warming due to human activity and greenhouse gases that runs across the MDO cycles.
But he added: ‘I do not believe in catastrophe theories. Man-made warming is balanced by the natural cycles, and I do not trust the computer models which state that if CO2 reaches a particular level then temperatures and sea levels will rise by a given amount.
'These models cannot be trusted to predict the weather for a week, yet they are running them to give readings for 100 years.’
Prof Tsonis said that when he published his work in the highly respected journal Geophysical Research Letters, he was deluged with ‘hate emails’.
He added: ‘People were accusing me of wanting to destroy the climate, yet all I’m interested in is the truth.’
He said he also received hate mail from climate change sceptics, accusing him of not going far enough to attack the theory of man-made warming. …
William Gray, emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Colorado State University, said that while he believed there had been some background rise caused by greenhouse gases, the computer models used by advocates of man-made warming had hugely exaggerated their effect.
According to Prof Gray, these distort the way the atmosphere works. ‘Most of the rise in temperature from the Seventies to the Nineties was natural,’ he said. ‘Very little was down to CO2 - in my view, as little as five to ten per cent.’
At what point do we get to say people who say “the science is settled” are (1) deluded (2) ignorant or (3) lying shits?
Cold weather kills people in
Chicago, “once in a generation” cold weather
predicted for North Carolina, with Britain likely to have
one of its coldest winters for 100 years. More
northern hemisphere cold. Having
lots of fun with silly claims about what CAGW implies for British weather. (Such folk should also read up on
Controversy among scientists
about the prediction of a 6ft rise in sea level by 2100:
Another critic is Simon Holgate, a sea-level expert at the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Merseyside. He has written to Science magazine, attacking Rahmstorf's work as "simplistic".
"Rahmstorf is very good at publishing extreme papers just before big conferences like Copenhagen when they are guaranteed attention," said Holgate. "The problem is that his methods are biased to generate large numbers for sea-level rise which cannot be justified but which attract headlines."
A nice midde-of-the-road piece
on Climategate, science and trust:
It is grotesque to lump nuanced skeptics like Freeman Dyson, perhaps the most celebrated physicist alive, in with creationists and 9/11 “truthers.”
“lukewarmist” presentation available as Power Point™ or pdf. A sceptical engineer’s
similar analysis (pdf).
Polling finds
that public confidence in Copenhagen was low and support for the AGW thesis is falling in UK, US and Canada.
The UK Met office head
gets a bit of a grilling.
The Norfolk police are investigating whether
there was any criminal action in the leak of the CRUtape letters.
Questions being asked about
the head of the IPCC’s business dealings. And
also. (He is not a climate scientist, but an engineer and economist: Al Gore is not a climate scientist either of course-one day it may be taken to be significant that the Nobel Peace Prize was handed to two people with no climate science qualifications for their advocacy work on climate, both of whom are making very serious money out of their noble efforts.)