War links

Mar 08, 2008 08:06

The EU is withdrawing staff from northern Kossovo

The UN Security Council is moving towards sanctions against Iran over its program to acquire nuclear weapons materials.

Escalating tensions between Colombia and Venezuela, including evidence that President Chavez has been funding the main Colombian insurgency group. The President of Colombia wants to indict the President of Venezuela before the International Criminal Court for sponsoring terrorism.

Hezbollah is predicting the disappearance of Israel, again. The killing of Hezbollah’s military leader in Damascus involves a certain amount of “collateral damage” for Hezbollah’s media and academic shills in the West. How Hezbollah does media relations.

Series of links on the Israeli offensive into Gaza. 8 killed in an attack on a Rabbinical seminary in Jerusalem. The killings lead to celebrations in Gaza.

Drugs are funding the Taliban’s resurgence in Afghanistan. The US is investigating how to supply its troops if Pakistan blocks supplies.

On patrol in Anbar province with Marines, and finding an IED. In the slums of Fallujah. Problems settling an election law for provincial elections. About General Odierno’s successful implementation of Gen. Petraeus’s counter-insurgency strategy. What happened in the “triangle of death”.

war links

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