A Bigotry Bounty

Sep 22, 2007 23:14

On of the basic ideas in welfare economics is Pigouvian pricing, such as a Pigouvian tax. The idea is to impose on users the unpriced negative effects of what they do.

Youth suicide is a serious issue. A wildly disproportionate number of youth suicides are by young homosexuals.

Suppose a tax was imposed on monotheist religious organisations every time a young homosexual raised in a household of their religious persuasion committed suicide. A bigotry bounty.

After all, Zoroastrianism, Orthodox Judaism, Islam and most Christianity all preach that there is no proper social place for homosexuals. That it is proper that there be no social place for homosexuals.

The anathematisation of same-sex activity and orientation, the casting them out of the natural, the social and the properly human is a religious idea.

And what is more likely to give people a sense of despair than to feel that life has nothing for them, to deny them any sense of having a legitimate place in human society. That being homosexual is a sin, an illness, unnatural, condemns you to a lonely life or is just some phase that you will get over--and, if you don’t; it’s a sin, an illness, unnatural and condemns you to a lonely life). (An online resource about how that makes young people feel is here.)

So, impose a bigotry bounty such that organisations pay a serious cost for the misery and despair they inflict.

Just a thought.

religion, sexuality, policy

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