Nov 23, 2007 16:48
My feelings are deep,
too deep to explain.
I cannot put words to them
I just know they are there.
I feel myself drawn
towards her,
and I know it's more than her looks.
It is as if she is
a part of me
that I have never really known.
In many ways, we are so alike.
In others, quite different.
But still, I think we are
very much the same
in essence.
I have known her for so long
yet in spite of our likeness,
at times it seems like
I don't really know her at all.
I had these same feelings
many years ago.
I do not know if they are here again
or if they were never gone.
It pains me sometimes
when I try to show how I feel
and it seems we drift further apart -
She does not know how I feel,
or how strongly.
I feel good when we are close together
less so when we are apart
These feelings, though the word frightens me,
I think they might be love.