Jul 10, 2010 00:53
The shipping meme as stolen from 4-5 people on my friend's list. (note: I dont' read fanfic based on television shows or movies...I just can't. Unsure why...but, there's a ship near and dear to me that I must add to this)
One True Pairing Ship: Ron/Hermione....while I dabble in other ships and love a variety, this one is the be all and end all for me. Jamie/Claire should count, but I don't know, they just seem too permanent and real to have to ship. It's like...yeah I love the ship, but who wouldn't?
Morgan/Garcia from Criminal Minds need to be mentioned. They belong together. There is so much love and devotion between those two, and I'm starting to think they aren't hooking up despite what they go through together because TV can't stand the fat girl getting the hot guy. FUCK YOU TV. Just watch that Alaska episode from this season and tell me it's not love.
Second Favorite Ship: Harry/Draco...it's official, I'm hooked.
Third Favorite Ship: Percy/Oliver or Percy/Audrey...it's quite equal for me. Just PERCY please.
Canon Ship: Ron/Hermione.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Harry/Hermione...the closest you can get to incest without actually having incest. Hermione would spend the whole time ordering Harry around and making sure that he was okay, Harry would spend the whole time wishing she were someone else...anyone else...and both of them would just lie there like passionless kumquats.
Guilty Pleasure Ship: Harry/Draco...I love it, I'm a little embarrassed that I love it though...
"I dabble a little" Ship: Ron/Harry...Viva La Green Eyed Weasel
"It's like a car crash" Ship: So a ship that is awful but you can't look away? Hmmmmm...a ship I can't avoid, but shouldn't like...hmmmmmm indeed....Ron/Pansy. It shows up a lot in H/D fics for some reason, and sometimes it's kinda neat. I hate myself though, and have to wash my eyes afterwards and go read some R/Hr REAL FAST LIKE.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: All Nexgen. It seems interesting, and I've written two Scorpius and Rose and one with Teddy/Charlie...but it just...meh
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship: Harry/Ron....of course it's the least likely slash ship to ever slash in the world of slashdom, but really, their characters to definitely go the next step.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: Harry/Ginny. I just feel no spark whatsoever. I can read them in supporting roles, but honestly, H/G bores me.
"When all is said and done" Ship: Ron/Hermione...it's the be all and end all.