
Apr 25, 2008 16:39

Ok, so after some people suggested I find an artist to do the strip for me, I tried to think of people who I felt I could trust my precious precious baby with. But when I realised that everyone who is a good artist is also going to be busy working on their own webcomics, so I decided: screw it, I'll just let everybody draw it.

I don't know if this is going to work since it's a very short deadline (I plan nothing in advance, NOTHING!), and the initial script for the entries is a little uneventful ... maybe all the entries will be terrible (assuming I get any at all), but at least this will ease things off for me. And who knows, maybe it will turn out excellent and I will find some incredibly talented artist to draw the comics on a regular basis for a while! The anticipation!

i have no idea what i am doing, competition, beaver and steve, experiment

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