A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself. B. Tag seven people to do the same. C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
Joanna McCoy, dimension next door to this one, pleased to meet you as well.
1. Travesty. Coffee is awesome for work though. Tea is more of a civilized drink.
2. Jo, actually. Joanna makes me start wondering what I did wrong. Dad gets away with Jojo. Papa...My Jim, taught me history through the battlefields throughout. IT was unconventional, but history is mostly wars anyway so...
4. Really? That's kinda coool. So that why your LJ is erudite? Actor obviously 'cause that's probably your job...
And you can say whatever you want to me, without thinkin' about it. I'd prefer honesty to thought out pretties.
5. Yup. Big brother, in the old dimension, younger sister in this dimension. Big brother was a bit...protective.
6. Oh, they were being plenty obnoxious. Momma used to get after me to solve things with my words, but six year old boys don't understand words. They understood their face in the mud though.
7. Only if you want me cranky at you. Or figuring out your most annoying nickname and utilizing it.
Do you like being an actor or would you rather...I dunno, teach or writer or own a bookstore or something like that?
Most the time though guys are smart, s'long as you remember to not explain things in a girl-way. You start trying to explain it from a female point of view and it just don't work right.
*chuckles* Sounds like being in Starfleet for me. Maw-maw keeps asking me what I want to do after I get my doctorate, and if I'm ever gonna quit Starfleet, but I just can't imagine life not in her. Where else do you get paid to wander around and meet new people? Or in your case, play pretend. Anything you don't like about being an actor?
I don't particularly like the lack of privacy... ever since the movie took off, it's been hard to make a move without a camera to record it. Some days are better than others.
Ugh. That's got to be horrible. It happened occasionally, when the clan set foot on a Federation planet. Everyone wanted a picture of Captain Kirk, destroyer of Nero. Dad's glares got a pretty good workout on those occasions, but Papa hated it. They even stalked me once or twice. But it's not considered good form to stalk a seven year old.
1. I like all kinds of tea, not just sweet tea.
2. I can ID most battlefields for important battles on sight through history.
3. I had two Dads.
4. My second favorite subject was literature.
5. Pavel punched out my last boyfriend.
6. I used to get into lots of trouble for punching boys when I was little.
7. My best friend Marcus used to call me Joey, when I was getting too big a head in the Academy.
1. I admit, I don't care much for sweet tea, but I'm more a coffee person.
2. That's impressive. Sounds like you have a good eye for detail, Joanna - is that what you go by? Joanna?
4. What a coincidence - I have an English degree.
5. ...Chekov?
6. Were you starting things, or were they just being obnoxious?
7. I assume I should make a note never to call you Joey? *grins*
1. Travesty. Coffee is awesome for work though. Tea is more of a civilized drink.
2. Jo, actually. Joanna makes me start wondering what I did wrong. Dad gets away with Jojo. Papa...My Jim, taught me history through the battlefields throughout. IT was unconventional, but history is mostly wars anyway so...
4. Really? That's kinda coool. So that why your LJ is erudite? Actor obviously 'cause that's probably your job...
And you can say whatever you want to me, without thinkin' about it. I'd prefer honesty to thought out pretties.
5. Yup. Big brother, in the old dimension, younger sister in this dimension. Big brother was a bit...protective.
6. Oh, they were being plenty obnoxious. Momma used to get after me to solve things with my words, but six year old boys don't understand words. They understood their face in the mud though.
7. Only if you want me cranky at you. Or figuring out your most annoying nickname and utilizing it.
4. Yeah, that's why I picked it, and then added the actor because that's what I do (and just plain 'erudite' was taken).
6. Sometimes we don't understand words regardless of age.
Most the time though guys are smart, s'long as you remember to not explain things in a girl-way. You start trying to explain it from a female point of view and it just don't work right.
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