I have examples for you! Care of the lovely admin of that forum for putting it back online for a little while, and care of the lovely
xiahleyu for hosting the pages. ♥
Wolf Game #5
Page 1Page 2Page 3 This is the one I recommend you all skim through, because...
A) it has the least spam/fangirling
B) it has the most interesting premise (faeries!)
C) I die at the very beginning so you don't have to see how much of a tool I am.
Your scroll bar will weep (I had my forum settings at 90 posts per page for this), but oh well. ;) No images or anything because they're not necessary.
Also! A few changes to the rules.
Voting time lasts from 10 PM to 7 PM 12 (midnight) to 9 PM EST. The "night" time has been shortened to what it was supposed to be: three hours. Wolves and Seer and Guardian have from 7 PM to 10 PM 9 PM to midnight to contact me. If this inconviences anyone, please tell me.
And I'll have another example for you to read through whenever Kou finishes uploading the pages. Wolf Game #9. ;D However, page 9 is missing since it didn't want to save at all. But that's okay. Wolf Game #9 was half spam and fangirling anyway, albeit amusing spam and fangirling. Read through it if you're bored. I'd also recommend reading it because it had a few of the best players participating in it. I'd have preferred to show you games 1 and 2, but for some reason I'm not authorized to view them anymore. >O
PS. Roles have not yet been assigned. I'll do that tomorrow. You are still free to back out if you wish.
Wolf Game #9
Page 1 (wherein Victor and Eleya argue the sexuality of any male who watches Prince of Tennis)
Page 2 (wherein there is spam for another two thirds of a page before the game actually starts)
Page 3 (wherein there IS MORE SPAM and some actual discussion)
Page 4 (wherein there is more discussion and Chriss is revealed to have a male slave)
Page 5 (lalalala spam Victor and Eleya lalalala spam MILD DISCUSSION)
Page 6 (etc)
Page 7 (etc)
Page 8 (etc)
Page 9 is on vacation.
Page 10 (wherein the game ends and I make a complete ass of myself)
Okay, upon rereading, everyone should read Wolf Game #9 because it is hilarious. The end.