Feb 18, 2007 16:06
I'm so glad this is a 3-day weekend! Last week I got like no sleep due to all the homework, quizzes, research, and Zone meeting preparations. Today I finally slept...until almost noon!!
On Friday night some of our most active SPS members met up with the SPS chapter from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Well, after a bunch of us had set up tables and moved desks to prepare for Saturday, that is. We all caravaned out to the beach to watch the launch of THEMIS on a Delta II rocket--had to stop a few times to let everyone catch up--only for the launch to be scrubbed due to high altitude winds. And it was cold! Afterwards we all went to Jason's Deli to eat together--it was fun and my sandwich was super good, but it was unbelievably LOUD in there!!! It was so bad that conversation was very difficult to make, especially from where I was sitting, but John did a good job keeping them entertained. Partly through dinner Jenni got her call from NASA Academy, YAY! for an interview. After that we went home. Jan was in our car (and William) and we decided Jan is frickin hilarious. He's the type you want to take in under your wing too. That's the best I can describe it.
Then I stayed up til 3:30 am making name tags and trying to make my presentation. When I still wasn't satisfied with it though at 3:30, I decided to forgoe and to allow my presnetation time to be used for the judges to make some introductions. So I slipped into deep sleep, and had a strange war dream. I dreamt I was fighting in a war, and I know Josh and Rachelle were also fighting with me. There may have been more people i know but those are the only 2 I remember. I just remember having to be stealthy and stuff, when I was slowly pulled away by a banging and knocking on my front door. And when I woke up I KNEW why there was banging--I had overslept! My alarm didn't go off! I had set it the night before, so either I didn't flip the "on" switch, or I turned it off in my sleep when it had gone off an hour earlier. So I raced downstairs and helped John load his car with all the food and registration material that I was supposed to bring half an hour earlier. I didn't understand because I had put my away message up asking Jenni for a ride (cuz she wasn't online anymore) but found out that my bastard computer was all part of the dastardly plan to foil me--it had decided to update and restart within the 4 hours i was sleeping, thus removing my away message and any hope of people knowing what I was doing.
I was dressed and ready to go after John came back from dropping everything off...But by the time we got everyone to the auditorium it was half an hour late. Thankfully my presentation time that I was giving up gave us about 15 extra minutes, so we were only about 15 minutes behind schedule throughout the morning. I apologized and ppl laughed...We had two oral presentation sessions followed by our guest speaker, Stan Star of the Applied Physics Lab at KSC, then lunch and our actual zone meeting, followed by poster presentation, two more oral presentation sessions, and awards.
Overall it went really well though, and lots of people congratulated me and said it was really well organized and that they enjoyed it immensely. I'm afraid I'm not too good at relaxing when I'm in charge of it all though, so I wasn't able to sit and enjoy what was being said--but as long as everyone else benefited that was the whole point, and I'm very happy! Afterwards we went to the beach for a BBQ and got to see THEMIS launch. I love how they head south after launch, so it comes by us!! The other chapters were excited too, some had never even seen a launch! I was so glad I brought my football and kickball because some of the guys had lots of fun playing with them while we were serving hamburgers and hotdogs. The sky was gorgeous too, because the moon is almost new and the coldness got rid of the humidity. It was actually like being home and seeing the sky! That like, never happens.
After going home, Josh called to play some games. I actually fell asleep before he came to pick me up, but I woke up enough when we started playing Apples to Apples (which I won :-P) Andy got back from MD and played too. Then Josh gave me some sword fighting lessons--and I decided I'd never be able to learn unless I was super covered up in padding because I'm too scared of getting hurt.
TOday I started trying to copy orbital HW2 solutions, but his handwriting is SOOO messy! I also FINALLY saw the entire movie 10 Things I hate about you. It was pretty cute. FUSION is at 6:00, and then we might go see that fire motorcycle movie whatever it's called with Nicholas Cage.
Something strange: I've had (without reason) the desire to like, hug lots of different people lately. It's been weird--and I can't just do it cuz I'm not normally a huggy person so people will be like...What's with you? Except the couple of people that I do hug on a more regular basis.