Apr 25, 2008 21:20
So I just watched last night's LOST episode...wow...things are taking such a different turn! The attitude of the show is so transformed from the original episodes...This one actually made me cry!
Last night we had a goodbye party for Hsiao-Wen. LOTS of good food, including some brownies I made with chocolate frosting that everyone loved, much to my delight. We played Taboo afterwards which was really fun, even though our team (named "The Other Team") lost. I gave Joey my check for the retreat, so I guess I am officially going now! It's just hard to swallow that I will have like, no free weekends the rest of the quarter. This weekend I will be holed up inside while the beautiful weather bathes LA, working on my research for the two oral presentations I'll give next week and the poster presentation in Austria the following week. I'll also be working on my 3 homework assignments and studying for a test on Friday. Ugh. Next weekend I fly out to Austria, the following weekend I'm flying back (though technically Sunday will be free, however I"m sure I'll be catching up on homework and more test studying), the following weekend we are gone on our 200B field trip to some some barren island off of California's coast, and the next weekend is Memorial Day which is the weekend of the retreat up in Santa Barbara. The weekend after THAT is finally open, but I already have rough plans sketched in for Kate's hobo party. The following weekend is the weekend before finals, followed by Lindsey's wedding and visiting home. The weekend after THAT I'll be flying up to Utah for the GEM conference and returning the following weekend. In case you got lost, this brings us to June 28-29, which, theoretically, is the weekend I'll need to move to my new apartment (which we don't have yet cuz in LA you can't reserve a space months in advance like anywhere else--you have to call no earlier than a month in advance and usually they only reserve your spot for ~2 weeks...ACK!). The weekend after THAT is 4th of July, and theoretically my first "free" weekend. OH MY GOSH. WHAT THE CRAP. That's about 2 months worth of weekends already written in stone...My P-type personality can't handle this sort of thing!!!! (See Myers-Briggs personality test if the reference was lost on you...)
This makes me sad, cuz Amanda and I were talking today about getting a group together to go hiking somewhere in the area, and I told her about my awesome bike idea about taking the 761 or whatever metro up to Mullholland Dr. and then heading west to take the trails in the National Park there. Well, maybe we can do at least one of those things the same weekend as Kate's hobo party, since that will only be one day. I'd even suggest skipping Friday some week or something, but I know that'd be impossible for Amanda (since she's the administrative assistant for Vassilis/THEMIS here at UCLA). Not quite the same freedom as a grad student, and I wouldn't even say we had THAT much freedom. (At least compared to undergrads who have all the freedom in the world, comparatively.)
Okay I'm rambling again, probably cuz I'm lonelyishishishishish and no one's online, and everyone out east is already in bed. I thought about doing hw tonight, but I didn't get home til 8pm due to a lengthy post-Friday seminar meeting, so now after eating and watching LOST it's already 9:30..OH! Ed IMed me...Yay! I'll talk to Ed...
P.S. In addition to being a rambler, I am easily ammused. At least, more so than Jiang...cuz he did not find the typo I caught in our hw funny at all...He agreed that I was easily amused, but I just told him it means I enjoy life more. :-)
grad school,