AGU Part 4

Dec 12, 2007 11:57

Wow so I'm in the student lounge eating internet when suddenly Diane Thompson from FIT walks up to me! She was like, I thought I was delirious cuz I couldn't believe that could be you--and I walked by a couple times and tried quietly saying your name but you didn't look up...but then I had to try bothering you anyways in case it really was you! So her poster is on Friday morning, I'll have to make sure to go by there.

My presentation went excellently yesterday. Somehow by God's grace my cold seemed to go away for the most part while I was was awful before and worse after however during I felt fine for the most part! I had a lot of people gather around to discuss my results, so I felt special. :-) A lot of them were THEMIS people, but it is funny cuz when you get a crowd around a poster, it just draws a greater crowd! Cuz people are like...Hmm, there are a lot of people around this poster, it must be special! I must stop and listen too...

It was great, really. And Andrei was standing there most of the time because he was manning somebody else's poster, so if I didn't know something he could cut in and explain what he did with Cluster. A lot of UCLA people came too, saying things like "Well I feel I'd better find out what research you're doing! You've never presented in our meetings!" etc. And people were also surprised I was there saying like, "Didn't you just get here 3 months ago?"

Oh and Chuck, Dr. Lopez's friend from my last post, is aweseom. He just happened to be at my poster when Vassilis came by, who joked with him "You bothering my student, huh?" So Chuck gafawed and then went into what a great time we had out to eat the previous night and explained that Lopez had had a mini reunion and he had just tagged along for the fun of it. But then he was like, "Yea Vassilis, she has some great work here. Lots of great data! And at the same time as this substorm...You should really have her present at Gratz!" And Vassilis replied something like, "Oh she will be presented NEW data...This is the old stuff. We'll have new stuff by then!" Sooo! ::crosses fingers:: Hopefully I will be going to Gratz in May and going to a substorm conference IN A FREAKIN' CASTLE!!! That's right...a castle in Germany...Booyah! It's not in stone obviously and this was all joking around but hey...I am definitely discovering how important it is to KNOW people. Like, all I did was have dinner with Chuck and be Lopez's student and suddenly he's majorly advocating for me. Ah, the politics of science...

Tony Lui was very excited that I referenced him on his poster. He said not many people did that! It's so weird cuz I know both Tony Lui and Bob McPherron who are supposed mortal enemies but they are both so nice! It sounds though like most people agree with McPherron, which is a good thing for us at UCLA, really.

Still no internet at the hotel. Paypal says my bank requested to reverse my transaction for the keyboard I bought. This = bad. So I'm trying to take care of that...After I sign off here I'm going to grab lunch, swing by Whole Foods in hopes that they have medicine...Hmm, maybe I will check online if they do first...and grab something I can eat for dinner so I don't have to go out. Then it will be hopefully good hard E&M studying. I quickly reviewed over the old stuff, though I don't think I'll bother to learn Bessel functions. I think it's a waste of time when he will probably test all on new material anyways, and even if he DOES test on old material since it was on the midterm I doubt it will show up on the final. What I really need to do is learn all the new stuff which will be very time consuming if even possible anyways.

Tomorrow I'll come listen to Betsey's talk though, and I might miss Maher's 5:30 talk :'( because Sandra said we're going to Alcatraz at 4:30.

conferences, sick, research, friends

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