Nov 14, 2007 20:40
So I'm finally getting settled back in. It only took me eleven months. I finally feel like I'm getting back on top of things. I'm liking work, as much as you can like COVERING THINGS IN MASKING TAPE ALL DAY. Alaska is pretty (I always knew that). The lack of sunshine isn't getting me down too badly yet. I went on two horse rides in the last week. I finally went back to salsa. (Why did I stay away so long?). My toes are protesting, but the rest of me is pretty happy. I think I will even be able to catch up within a week or two. Megan and JJ are lovely people. My fairy lights are pretty. I got a new (to me) car, that not only has ninety-thousand miles less on the engine than mine does, but it also goes in reverse! (Which mine only does when it feels like it.) I've got a package coming, and I'm sending one off tomorrow! I've sent off my college app stuff (nailbiting time...) Folks are coming home soon, it'll be nice to see everyone. And I'm leaving in little more than a month. Wheeee....I can't figure out whether to jump for joy or cry. The good thing is I can keep my cabin, and I have a place to stay down there. And it will be really nice to be within shouting distance of everyone. Yay! Aaaagh! What? I don't know.