(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 21:17

Ok, Wicked today was SO AWESOME. I wish the crew of musicals would come out on stage at the end because they really deserve a standing ovation. Not that the actors and orchestra don't, but wow. The cast was great too--some really powerful voices from the leads down to chorus. There were also these hilarious clown-things dancing in "Emerald City" that had me laughing like crazy. It's the little stuff, really.

Other fun things today:
-delicious spinach stuffed pizza
-seeing a "Weasley Is Our King" bumper sticker on the way down
-an ad for Wallgreens that broke my brain. It said "Wherefore art thou?" and had a picture of a city with these little searchlights or something indicating where the Wallgreens were. And then at the bottom it said "Easier to find than Romeo" or something. So. Dumb. Was it just my ninth grade English class that stressed wherefore/=where? That Juliet was actually asking WHY his name was Romeo? I mean, context, people, she goes on with "deny thy father" and so on. She's bemoaning the fact that he's from the omg rival family. She knew exactly WHERE he was, he was right in front of her at the time (wasn't he? I confess it's been ages since I've read R+J).

Yeah. Total brat, that's me.
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