My friends are all haters! :P

Jun 17, 2008 06:32

BCSjen428: Im so jealous
NikkuSan7: Of?
BCSjen428: this girl I was friends with in hs. She met dave matthews! There is a picture, of her, KISSING Dave Matthews, on the cheek!
NikkuSan7: nice
BCSjen428: the same night I went too. I feel like I didnt do enough to support my fan addiction. lol
NikkuSan7: O_O
BCSjen428: I just always figured you couldnt go backstage, unless you had a pass or something. Funny thing, almost every yr, their tour bus (pretty sure thats what it is) has passed us on the way out.
NikkuSan7: Wow
BCSjen428: yeh, if I didnt have dignity for myself and respect for the band, I would freakin hop aboard that thing
BCSjen428: lol
NikkuSan7: lol
BCSjen428: it was hillarious, (though I got really mad) Jeff was talking during one of Dave's inaudible monologues b/w songs and I got pissed b/c this year I was actually close enough to actually hear some words, so Jeff's like geez, calm down, it's not like he's Jesus or anything. ...if I ever actually did meet him, Id prolly have the same reaction, if he was; just utter a high pitched AHHH then get really giddy, hyper ventilate, then faint for the first time ever in my life.
BCSjen428: damn, my friends are such haters
BCSjen428: lol
NikkuSan7: LMAO!
BCSjen428: :-P:-D
BCSjen428: who is more deserving of a meet-n-greet, I ask you?!
BCSjen428: lol
NikkuSan7: ....... me >.>
BCSjen428: haha. well than both of us.
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