"How do you get any work done?"

Mar 18, 2021 11:24

Talking to Angie, the number one thing that surprises her by my work is the amount and length of meetings. Today is an example where I have 4.5 hours of scheduled meetings today. And this isn't even a day that contains a half day or full day meeting. I'd say 4.5 hours isn't too uncommon, maybe once every few weeks. A normal day may be like 2-3 hour meetings. But a day without meetings is a rarity! So I'm spending some time during this townhall meeting to update since it's been almost a month since my last update.

Video Games
Overall, I feel like I've been spending most of my time playing either Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic or Slay the Spire. KOTOR is a game that I played for a little when it came out originally on Xbox. But I never owned the game (my little brothers did) so I never completed it. From this play through, I probably never got too far into it. Anyway, it's a very Bio-ware game (Dragon Age or Mass Effect) but in the Star Wars universe (far into the past with lots of Jedi). Slay the Spire is a deck-building rogue-like game, so it's repetitive but somehow makes me want to play it again and again. And for Slay the Spire, it's good to use our Switch more, especially in mobile mode.

Otherwise, we finished watching the first season of Attack on Titan. I'd say it was okay to good, although Angie will not be continuing. So I'll continue with the series and I hope the plot progresses with answers and such, versus my fear that mysteries will always be mysteries. But I'm interested in seeing where it goes.

Also, the Eva rebuild is apparently complete, although I'll need to wait until the fourth movie is available. At that point, I'll try to watch the whole thing. I'm fairly excited to see what it's about since people tend to think it's pretty good.

And apparently, the Synder cut of Justice League comes out today. I'm actually pretty interested to see it, although four hours is pretty long. And like a crazy person, I'll probably rewatch DCEU movies in preparation. So I'll try to watch Man of Steel, BvS, and maybe Suicide Squad this week so I can watch Justice League by weekend.

After a few months, I'd say the Biden administration isn't amazing. Obviously it's much better than the Trump administration, but that was a given. So far, my biggest issue is that it seems like his number one promise (unity and working together) has not happened at all. His executive orders is more than any president and all bills/actions seem to pass exclusively on party lines. Angie says I should give him time since the first few months were probably about just putting a band-aid on what he needed to fix. Maybe, but I guess we'll see. I guess I'm not too confident.

(P.S. When did "true north" become such a trendy corporate word? Corporate slang is so funny to me and Angie thinks it's so insane.)

gaming, television, movies

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