The Ides of March

Mar 15, 2017 13:46

Well, the snowpocalypse didn't quite happen. Work was canceled and we had a state of emergency, but we only really got about 8 inches or so, maybe less. It was a letdown after estimates going as high as 18 or 24 inches. It was mainly because we had lots of rain and ice mixed into our snow, which not only takes away from the total, but compresses the snow. So it was a hard time shoveling, especially after the plows came and pushed the compacted snow into our driveway. I'm pretty sore now =P

Anyway, it was a nice day off where I "worked from home" for about an hour before I even gave up on pretending. But the day before, we got e-mails about the site being closed and then my boss had a follow-up saying something like she "would understand if we weren't as productive" due to having to shovel snow and take care of potential kids home from school. I assume it was code for "enjoy your day off and don't work too much".

So during the day off, I watched Suicide Squad, which I honestly didn't think was terrible. I thought it was watchable and enjoyable for the most part. I think it suffers from the "trying to cram too much" syndrome that BvS also had, although I guess its less comical in that way. I actually thought Will Smith's character was quite good; I'd watch a Deadshot solo movie. It was also too long, which relates to the first issue. I also thought Harley Quinn was quite bad. I'm very surprised that people seem to like her portrayal. I thought the Joker was okay; he wasn't offensive like Lex Luthor, but he wasn't amazing either. He was okay. I generally thought the Enchantress was a decent villain, although the plot (their mission) was kind of stupid. Oh, and it had a very solid to good soundtrack. So I kind of don't understand the outright hate of the movie. Like I wouldn't say it was an amazing movie, but it was a solid comic book movie.

We also were watching more Gargoyles and I'm pretty surprised how progressive it is. Like the main human protagonist is a mixed race female. There are also lots of random female characters, even if they're unimportant, like random female in a group of combatants. Angie claims that television from the 90s is known to be more progressive than today. I wonder if that's true. If I think about a few cartoons from the 90s, they are decent for having a diverse cast of characters.

I also read this article, which was fairly interesting. It's basically about how archaeologists found remains of a palace under an archaeological site in Mosul that ISIS destroyed. It was saying how this find would have been hard to come by since you wouldn't normally destroy an archaeological site. But there's various theories about how this could either be the "real" Hanging Gardens of Babylon, where the legend was inspired by gardens from another city, or it could be a garden that was inspired and taken from the original Hanging Gardens. Its pretty interesting.

news, television, movies

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