Fucking Rutgers

May 07, 2014 11:35


Apparently Rutgers somehow landed Condeleeza Rice to speak at this year's commencement. Even without being a Republican, most people can see that she's probably the best speaker that Rutgers ever had to give a commencement speech. During my graduation, the keynote speaker was the then president of Cingular (?), the now defunct cellphone company which was bought by AT&T. But apparently there were students and professors which were displeased by this selection to be point of protests. So she bowed out of giving the speech. Now, Rutgers has a former governor of NJ and some paralyzed athlete giving the keynote speech instead of the former Secretary of State.

First of all, it seemed like this protest was organized by members of the faculty (which I always contended was overly liberal) not even from relevant areas. Two professors named as organizers in the above article were specializing in poetry and Italian history. Another article named an organic chemistry teacher (who I luckily didn't know). The "big" events of protest were a 50 student occupation (out of what? 30-40k who attend Rutgers) and a "teach-in" about Rice's record, which I assume would be taught by professors from such relevant fields like poetry, Italian history, and chemistry.

This situation is just such a failure on so many levels. The stupid, overly political professors at Rutgers (let's ruin the student's chances of seeing a former Sec of State), the blindly following students, and I'll also say the administration for being so incompetent, even though they supported their selection of Rice.

I don't understand how it has to be so hostile for a commencement speaker. I would have been happy if Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, any of Bill Clinton's Secs of State, or anyone of similar esteem would have been my keynote speaker at my graduation. Even if you disagree with their politics, you should understand the importance of the individual and their accomplishments. And no offense to whatever Hilary Clinton or John Kerry fans which may be reading this, but Condeleeza Rice is more important than any of them.

So I hope those maybe 60-80 people are happy that they have a former NJ governor and a crippled college athlete instead of the former Sec of State, former National Security Adviser, and a long standing professor at a more prestigious university.


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