This story's old but it goes on and on until we disappear.

Feb 22, 2009 13:17

This weekend has certainly been one of the best of my life. As of now, it is still second to April 27-29, 2007 (which consisted of Say Anything, Displace Me, and an awesome girl). But I do believe that February 18-22, 2009 NEEDS to be documented so I'm doing that right now.

It all started on Wednesday. College can be a horrible place sometimes. I was already having a terrible day after being ditched the night before. Then Mr. Book decided to be an asshole. It's amazing the things you can find on Facebook. How the most heartbreaking things can be brought to one's attention through a social networking site. It's really really amazing. So in short, I flipped out. Called Garett to see if I could stay with him a few nights and booked it home for the weekend that night.

Wednesday night was interesting. Garett, Curtis and I hung out with some crazy weird girls who were trippin' like wow. And they were just weird. And I basically felt uncomfortable the whole time. We all slept at Garett's then I had to endure his dad's ignorant insanity the next morning. HOLY SHIT.

But all of that was okay because Thursday night was awesome. Ben, Curtis, Garett, Craig and myself all hung out over at the Drullinger's. We played Guitar Hero, Peggle, Lord of the Fries and Charades. We then had a nice Meijer run and, after Chad got out of work, hit up Wing Zone in Frandor. Garett and I ended up sleeping at Chad's house that night.

Friday we went to the mall to get some food and then I hung out at my house for the most part. Got some awesome birthday gifts for Kasey/Kelsey on a Goodwill trip too. Late Friday Garett came over and we started setting up a bit for the show and such. He left around 2:30.

Saturday was show time. Garett brought the rest of his stuff over and then we hit up Olive Garden. Always a good time. Chad's house for a bit and then back to mine. People started showing up around 7:00/7:30 and it wasn't long before the began.

Let me just say that February 21, 2009 was the most I've lived in a very, very long time. Everything was just perfect. It was very easily one of the best nights of my life. I'll get to the details here in a second.

I'm just going to make a list of everything great that happened this weekend...

-Coming home two days early
-The Domino's commercial in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-"That was the least worst way of going about doing that."
-Charades (surprise but sex, pole dancing with the couch, jizz in my pants, The Game, etc.)
-"Rick a dick a tick tick."
-"There's 56 peanuts in this cookie."
-"Did you guys know it was 56 degrees downstairs?"
-"We're together."
-"You'll know what I'm talking about in 2 seconds..."
-"Garett motherfuckin' Cardinal!!"
-The amazing music of Mr. Nick Strong and Mr. Garett Rogers.
-Getting people to hug the bunny.
-The Girl Talk dance off between Brooke and Curtis.
-Strip dancing to Filthy/Gorgeous and then getting tackled by three men wearing only underwear.
-Dancing insanely to Streetlight and Catch 22.
-Dancing like an idiot.
-Awesome Steak n' Shake afterward.

With all of this great stuff happening there were also some low parts. The whole cheating fiasco that unfolded late Saturday being the main one. It's hard to talk about right now because it's in very early stages. Suffice to say, I'm happy with the things I said. I meant them and I know that I was right. There was another low point but very recent events (like the past 10 minutes) may have turned that low point into a high one. As soon as Sarah walked down the stairs into my basement, my stomach flipped. This was a long time coming, I suppose. I didn't say a word to her except for an awkward "hey" during an awkward run-in. It was hard to see her. It really was. But I've been talking to her for the past few minutes and that is a very good thing. I told her I don't want anything more than her as a friend. And that is quite a true statement. I'm writing this at a very un-resolved time. It should be interesting to go back and look at this once things are more concrete. If they ever become more concrete.

Well... that's about it I'd say. Peace and love to you all.
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