
Cleansing time again! Healthy eating, first two weeks of February

Jan 28, 2011 14:16

As we do early in every year, my wife and I (and anyone else we can convince) will cleanse out our systems by eating uncompromisingly healthfully 24×7 for two weeks, give-or-take.

Our diet pretty much becomes vegetables, tofu, fish and whole grains, with an absolute ban on refined sugars, alcohol, caffeine (except green tea), dairy products, wheat, mammals and birds.  (She may tweak it a bit because of the whole breast feeding thing).  I’ll also drink all kinds of yucky-tasting herbal solutions purported to help flush the system (generally these ones).   By the end of it we always feel a lot better - more energy and less in the way of cravings.

This season we’ll be starting this Monday, January 31, and going for two weeks.  You’re welcome to join us, either by trying the diet yourself (with or without yucky herbs) or by implementing your own healthy diet and saying “well, at least I can eat more than Ert!”  While we do this a couple times a year, the harvest time one is the best because of the availability of fresh produce in these parts.)

If you’re down with the plan, drop me a line.  I'll try to say something actually interesting on this blog before the next cleanse.
Posted via email from ert's posterous
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