I hate that stupid old pick-up truck you never let me drive...

Nov 02, 2006 01:22

I cannot believe its November already! Time has just been flying by!

So I started volleyball class (heh easy A for me!) this week plus I had practice for my intramural team this week, and I am so incredibly sore! I haven't played volleyball in awhile, and yeah, I'm definitely feeling it haha! And of course I didn't ease back into the game, oh no, I jumped right back in with the same intensity I played with in high school. I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Although I have to admit that playing again makes me really happy. I'm really excited to play intramurals. I'm on a co-ed team which will be a new experience for me, I mean I've played volleyball with boys before, but it was just messing around, so it'll be interesting to actually compete with them.

Classes are going pretty well. Although I've been really stressed this week because we've been working on three different papers for my writing class. Next week I have to meet with my adviser to select second semester courses. I can't believe that...I've just gotten a handle on my first semester classes haha!

I didn't do much for Halloween. It was kind of sad...if I were at home I know I would have been with my family and the Christiansons. Sandy was sending me pictures of the girls in their Halloween costumes, it made me miss them even more! Nat called me too, it was so cute..and then I ended up talking to the whole family, well except for Marshall because I was mad at him and giving him the silent treatment haha! My friend Courtney and I spent the majority of Halloween in the library (pretty lame huh?), we were supposed to be working on our papers but we ended up talking for most of the time! I also had volleyball practice at night. It was a lot of fun..my friend Josh came and played with us..I love him! And whoa, he's pretty amazing at volleyball. After volleyball practice Courtney wanted to go get coffee...yeah not one of our best ideas..I was up way too late and was definitely dragging today!

Today was a pretty busy day. I hate Wednesdays, they are always my worst day of the week. Probably because I have class ALL day. We were doing fetal pig dissection in biology lab today. Although dissections never really bother me...especially since this is the second time I've done a pig. The first meeting of premed club was tonight too. It was a pretty good time and I was surprised by how many people were there.

Well I suppose I better get to bed, I've got to go tutor tomorrow morning!
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