Know you're never too far gone, my love is there, wherever you may be...

Oct 17, 2006 21:51

Ok so I so shouldn't even be on here because I have TONS of studying to do (its midterm), but I have some rambling I've got to get out otherwise I won't be able to focus on the schoolwork...

*cue fangirl rant*

Oook so I'm going to start this out by saying that yes, I am completely biased on this topic. Anyone who knows me will be able to tell you how much I adore Sara Evans. I've been a fan of hers for a LONG time...for as long as I can remember. I own all her CDs..know the words to all her songs..have her autograph..and assorted tshirts and other Sara merchandise. I'll even go as far as to admit she is my favorite musical performer. One of my favorite quotes about Sara (its my favorite because its SO true) is, "Sara is the type of singer that you get the most of her music by seeing her live. You leave thinking you have to be friends with her, you want to take her home with you. She has an addictive quality in her voice that makes you want to see her again and again."

If any of your are Dancing With the Stars fans you know exactly why I'm writing this (also, know that I watched Dancing With the Stars only because Sara was on it). It came out last week that Sara was leaving the show due to a bitter divorce. I'm not going to get into the details surrounding the can read the papers yourself (of course the media got a hold of them and consequently they are EVERYWHERE). This week I've been appalled by the reponse to her departure from the show. To the people who say she is lying is about everything, I just find that really hard to believe and honestly the stuff she claims seems a little outrageous to just make up. To those who say Sara "owed it to her fans to stay on the show" Ahh no, Sara doesn't owe you anything...she is a mother first and foremost and her main duty is to her children. She left the show because she needed to protect her children. I went to the ABC website one night to see if there was any additional information available there and I was saddened by the posts I found there. People calling Sara "a fat hag" or a "country hooker" C'mon people...she's a real person, with real feelings. I understand some people are not fans of hers..but really, do we have to resort name calling? Tonight there was an interview with Sara explaining her departure. As someone who has watched Sara for many years I can say that she did not look good...she tried to put up the front that she was ok, but anyone who is a true fan knows that the interview was a struggle for her. Seeing her almost lose it almost brought me to tears. Seeing her eyes well up with tears when Tom was saying how her personal life has been displayed all over the news/internet was incredibly sad. Especially since I know that had she not been on Dancing With the Stars, her divorce would not be the big issue it is. Now I know Sara is in the entertainment business and she should know that being in the public eye can be difficult, but I really feel for her. She is one of the most respected performers in country music and I feel like she is wonderful role model. None of what I've heard so far has made me any less of a fan, in fact, throughout this I've just become a bigger fan of hers (something I didn't think so was possible). So bottom line of this rant is...I love you Sara Evans and I wish you the best. And I know that real Sara fans see through all the rumors and will support her through this difficult time!

sara evans

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