She said tell me once again, why would you lie to me...

Jan 17, 2006 17:20

So I started writing this update yesterday, but right in the middle I got a phone call and had to yeah, this is a continuation of yesterday's update haha!

Ok I know I haven't updated since..well last year haha..but one of my goals of this new year is to update more often so I'm really gonna try--starting right now.

I had the day off from school yesterday. I was supposed to babysit all day but then Sandy texted me in the morning and said that Claire was sick so she was just gonna stay home from work. So I was a little sad that I didn't get to babysit, but I figured I could use the free afternoon to do stuff online like change the layout of my journal, make some icons, stuff like that because I'm really behind on everything. Well, things didn't go as planned. Natalie called me at 2 and asked if I could bring her to hockey...that was such a chore...trying to get her and all her gear into my car. When I got to the house to pick her up, Claire seemed to be doing better, although that changed later on. After Natalie was done with hockey I brought her with me to watch my brother's basketball game (Claire had fallen asleep and I figured Sandy could use some quiet time). By the time we got back from the basketball game, Claire had gotten worse (she had a fever of 103) and Sandy wasn't doing too well either. So I stayed at the house awhile to entertain Natalie so Sandy could take of Claire. I left at about 8 and when I was driving home I got this killer headache...I went to bed as soon as I got home. And then I found out today that Natalie was home sick its only a matter of time before it gets me haha! But in all seriousness, I cannot afford to get sick, its the last week of the semester...eep!

Hmm...what else has happened...I got accepted to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, College of Biological Sciences last week. I was really excited about it! But now I'm totally stressed out because I don't know if I should go there or to Concordia College. Its like one of the biggest decisions I've had to make in my life thus far. The day I found out that I got accepted I went over to Sandy and Marshall's just to get her opinion on the whole thing..our conversation went a little bit like "Where should I go?" "I don't know where do you wanna go?" "I don't know...where do you think I should go?" "I don't know"...yeah, really productive conversation haha! But as of yet I'm still undecided...everyone has been giving their input (Marshall told me to "hold out for Harvard" *rolls eyes*) but I still need to consult a few people *cough*KATIE*cough*...although I know ultimately it is MY decision. I had to laugh, Sandy has been staying neutral on the whole thing and has just acted as a sounding board for me to bounce ideas off and then the other night she and girls came over to house and she made a point to take her jacket off in front of me and I'm like "what is your deal" and I look at her...she bought a University of Minnesota shirt....oy! haha!

Oh, I was so so mad on Friday! I always park my car in the Memorial Building parking lot because thats one of the options for student parking. Well anyway, I'm walking out to my car on Friday and I'm kinda in a hurry because I have a meeting at 3 and I'm texting Sandy so I'm not paying attention when I get to my car, and I blindly reach for the door handle, and its not there! I look down and its laying in the snow. So someone had tried to get into my car. I don't really know why, its not like I had anything in there..except for Claire's carseat. But yeah, it was bad and now I have to open the door from the passenger side which is a major pain!

The weekend was...alright. On Saturday I had to go to my cousin's wedding. And don't get me wrong, I love my cousin...but she's like the only one on my dad's side of the family that I genuinely like. Everyone else I hardly even know...and it annoys me everytime I see them because they act like they know and that they see me on a regular basis...and they don't. So yeah, I was extremely bored the entire day. Although Sandy was texting me and they were sending me pictures...which were so hilarious...they sent me this one where Claire was holding a sign that said "I miss you Bamber" on it and she was pouting...and then there was one where Marshall was eating ice cream and Sandy recorded him saying " cream" in a southern accent...hehe I love them! So that made the evening a little more bearable. Sunday I didn't do much...just sat around the house. Sandy and the girls came over in the evening which was fun. I was trying to teach Sandy how to use predicative texting on her phone and it was so funny because at one point me, Sandy, my mom, and my dad all had our cell phones out. I should so charge for cell phone lessons hahaha!

Well I better get going...I've got some homework to do and I'm sure it'll be dinner time soon! New Gilmore girls on tonight...yay!!

updating, college, weekend, car, babysitting

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