Alright, Saphir. We're going to have to lay down some ground rules if we're going to be living together.
- Stay out of my room.
- You will handle the cleaning. I'm not very good at it. ♥ This includes washing the dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the floors, dusting, and picking up. The only place you are not allowed to clean is my room. Sorry~
- Stay out of my room.
- I will cook Lunaday, Undineday, and Loreleiday. You will cook Remday, Ifritday, Sylphday, and Gnomeday. This way, we alternate.
- I do not eat pork, rappig meat, or tofu.
- Stay out of my room.
- I am not to be woken up before midday.
- Stay out of my room.
In return, I will wear pants around the apartment. In fact, I will remain fully dressed at all times when outside of my room and the bathroom. How's that? Sounds fair to me!