Dec 17, 2012 22:56
I am tired as all get out. Today's drive actually was nearly as long as again I had weather to deal with, plus heavier weekday traffic on the highways. Also, I TOTALLY forgot the time change issue, so was not accounting for that when I guessed what time I would make it to Raleigh and my brother's place. As it was, I wound up here after 8, but Sophie was still up. Actually, she was a ball of energy as she had been sick several days and except for a little cough is about as full of boundless energy as can be. I took a funny photo of her with the point and shoot, but left the cord to upload out in the car and am just too tired to fuck with it tonight. Photos will come after I am settled at Nick and Rick's and have had some hot tub time.
I need it...
EDIT: Totally forgot to mention that I finally got my GIS grade - it was an A...
road trip,