Mar 10, 2010 23:20
I know - I am WAY behind on my LJ - very few comments, no posts...I am not sure exactly why I have not been motivated to at least answer the questions that came my way. I think I could have a bit of "WAY over winter" fever. I was so sick in February with a really nasty head and chest thing, then had some funky things happen at work, and to top it off we are FINALLY getting warmer weather.
I had intended this past weekend to at least answer the March questions that had come my way, but since I was finally feeling much better, I wound up staying out late two-stepping on Friday. Then Saturday it was gorgeous and sunny so I went to the North Texas Irish Festival. Sunday I had lunch with my friend Richard who was up from Austin, and then to Alice In Wonderland which I absolutely loved...but then I am a pretty big fan of Tim Burton anyway.
So, mea culpa and wet noodle lashes for me for being so anti-social on here lately. Some may think I need a firmer hand though...