Jan 18, 2010 23:51
Many of you read and commented on an entry of mine prior to Christmas about my friend Phil. He was having a horrible time with some multiple issues coming up with his HIV, meds, depression and other things.
Well, Phil called me today and it was like talking to a new person. He decided at the beginning of the year to sweep the slate clean and get new doctors. He is now seeing a different HIV doctor and a new psychiatrist. It was determined that the med he was taking for depression was actually making him worse, so the doc changed his psych drug and he is a new person. He said he has tons of energy now that he did not have before, though his counts are still not the best. However, he feels in his improved frame of mind he can work with raising his numbers much better now.
I am MUCH relieved as I was very concerned for my friend as I left for North Carolina on my trip and had been unable to reach him after I got back. Hopefully I will see Phil Friday night as he wants to join in on the Chris and Dan Friday night dinner group.