May 31, 2005 19:33
Questions form The Claw Dia herself:
1. Where do you see yourself in 25 years? married... with four kids in a big house as somneone special.
2. Whats your favorite thing in the whole wide world?i really cant puthtem in order...Music and Firends
3. Whats your favorite ice cream flavor? DANM! uhhh.... i woiuld have to say... all depends on my mood
4. Can you tell I have no idea what to ask you? NO WAY!(sarcasim)
5. Whats your favorite color?BLUE!
Quetions from my best buddy bringas:
1. when are we going to have that house in malibu?when we become rich and like 10 years
2. when are we going to orlando? when your girlfrined gets back form ecuador and when i finish like august 13th around there
3. why haven't we called each other like we used to?because you have work and uhhhh..... i dont know... there is no excuse we need to hang out more!
4. how do you know you can't live without someone? when you lopok into their eyes and feel that feeling that you cant explain or when you know that that someone is always their for you no matter what... you culd be drunk as fuh and call them at 3am and they will pick u up
5. who would that/those someone(s) be? my brother, my girlfriend and you buddy
Questions from Javi Mendez:
How Much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?enough....i got wood...
What was your favorite decade?uhhhh....90's
What was your favorite TJA moment?the timewe played that show at "The Place" with DMD
If you had to make out with any actore who would it be? Angelina jolie or hilarey duff...but u said actor sooo...uhhh....johny depp
What 80's show should they bring back? dude they have braught them all back...havent u seen nick at night...they are all on there