Hey you gaiz!
This morning I was interviewed on "The Bryant Park Project," a news program on NPR. It's not syndicated in NEPA unfortunately, but they had a link to my segment on their website; they wanted to talk about the natural gas fields I've been doing stories on. I'm actually just as glad it wasn't syndicated, because it means I don't have to listen to crap from locals all day about how I got everything wrong and I'm stupid and want them all to die hungry and penniless with their arms wrapped around trees. Anyway, go have a listen, whether you've never heard my voice before and are curious or just want to see how amusingly half-coherent and 'um'-ridden I am when someone's asking me about mineral rights at 7:30 in the morning.
Oh, and I don't have a lisp in real life, my phone was cutting out on s's. Honest.