Sep 10, 2008 12:34
A day of intense klutziness. Waiting for the third and subsequent klutzy shoes to drop.
12:30am. Try to reach for a kleenex. Knock over kleenex box, hits sock monkey on desk, sock monkey falls on picture frame, picture frame knocks over 2 full glasses of water=SMASHY night of broken glass/Kristallnacht of Gillian. Woke up Coralee who I guess thought I was up smashing my fist through a window or something equally random.
8:30am I had a spectacular fall this morning, witnessed by some teenagers who laughed at me as I skinned both my knees like a little girl =OUCHIE! Last dog walk before leaving + platformish boots=recipe for disaster.
I am only allowed to drink out of plastic or non-breakable cups.
I should ALWAYS wear flats even if the non-flats match my outfit better.
Knitting! Cheryl and I started a bi-weekly knitting night at my place which happened last night. Much knitting and gossiping was the rule of the night. And eating of vegetarian sheppard's pie and pain de garlic (garlic bread to you knaves) I got all inspried and started a new scarf on the subway today, cuz i really need ANOTHER project to add to the stack. Unfortunately the baby blanket I'm working on is too giant to jam into my purse.
Other busy-ness of the week:
Tonight: Dinner with the dog ladies Hope Street Cafe.
Thurs: Starting Yoga class again. I am going to be RUSTY and v. sore on Friday.
Fri: not sure, but possible puppy meet up!
Sat: meetup for old friend in town...haven't seen her in years
and then Midnight madness at TIFF! Woo. Kim and I are seeing Chocolate, by the same director as Ong Bak, Thai Warrior. We will wear our Muay Thai headbands and let the midnight madness ensue!
Sun: zonk, after watching of Corrie Street and tasty brunch with Coralee. Oh, and knitting, since Christmas knitting needs to start, like a month ago.