Sep 15, 2006 14:40
I'm extreamly happy, I don't know any other way to put it. Not only is it friday, and I only have one class that I'm good at, me and Dan talked for hours last night. I think things are going to be better, or at least better then they were over the summer. I still can't sleep which is starting to effect me in class, aka nodding off, but idk what to do. I just lay in bed for hours before I finally get to sleep. MY MOM'S COMING TO SEE ME SUNDAY! She's also bringing me a futon so I'll finally have a couch to sit on in my living room. I'm so pumped to see her. Other than that not much is going on. I just have tons of homework to do, I got offered a job, and I'm just taking it day by day. I'm still not very good a grocery shopping but I'm starting to get better. Its just hard to remember everything you need once you finally get to the store, I think I may start making a list. Maybe I'll hit up a party tonight if there's nothing better to do.