Hello Livejournal

Nov 05, 2005 21:01

Hmm, I'm not really sure when I last updated. Anyways, I here's what I've been up to the last month or so. I've been taking three classes a week at foothill, Major Social Problems, Group Communication, and Race and Ethnic Relations.

Major Social Problems
I really like this class a lot. The teacher is awesome, plus I got my presentation done early, like the second week, so its a pretty low stress class overall. I had my midterm in it the wednesday before last, and I totally aced it with a 96%. Yay! Anyways, its a little early, 10:00-11:40 but that's okay, I still like it a lot and its really interesting. I think I'm actually beginning to get really interested in my major, which is pretty cool.

Group Communication
A pretty lovey dovey class. There's a lot about communication, not just verbal, but emotional and physical and the like. The teacher seems almost too considerate of other people, if such a thing can be said. I think that probably just reflects badly upon me when I say that, oh well, totally deserved. He's really cool though, really nice, but I don't think pushover nice. The class is nice and small which I like, and there's some cool people in it. I like coming to this class too. I have a group presentation this coming monday, so thinking a bit about that.

Race and Ethnic Relations
Kind of blah. It's an 8:00am class, which definately sucks. I don't really like the subject matter either, since the underlying theme is kind of like, blame white people for everything, but its ok, its not really their fault. That's never really been my think so the subject matter of the class gets a grade of: bleh. The teacher is kind of young, a grad student, and she's indian, of the central americanish indians. I kind of feel bad for her because that early in the morning, no one is paying attention, or coming to class for that matter, and the subject matter isn't exactly cake. I don't dislike her, I think she's nice and she tries, but I guess we can leave it at I wouldn't hang out with her on the playground. Everyone starts somewhere, same goes with teachers too I guess. I think I totally aced my midterm for that last week, probably got a solid A.

So right now I'm working on my college transfer apps, which are due in the end of November. I started the online application, and so far, I've filled out all of the vital stuff and what not, except for the personal statement, which is the hardest part of course. After this coming week, when I'm done with this hopefully, and when I'm done with my speech midterm, I'll be a lot lower stress. I think overall, I'm pretty content with things, just pretty busy. Still a little heart broken, an eensy weensy bit, but ya I'm just a loser like that. My biggest problem at the moment is money, since I'll need another 250 dollars to pay for apps, so I'll probably end up borrowing more from my CD's, which I dislike, but will be capable of paying back when I get a job. I think that I'm finally starting to get in sync with reality again, instead of being detached all the time. Now that things have kind of stabilized though, I kind of wish I had more support, whereas before it was like who cares what other people think. Oh well. That's what I've been up to.
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