(no subject)

Feb 23, 2005 23:34

Ok, so I wear jeans most of the time, even at work I can usually get away with it since we're pretty casual. My jeans that I currently own fit into two categories: presentable and not presentable. Presentable basically means I would wear them to work, and not presentable means they were nice at one time, but got stained somehow, or they were just work jeans (carhartts) from the beginning basically.

I had some time to kill this evening, so I went to Old Navy and JC Penney, and just kinda browsed around. Either it's been a while since I bought a pair of jeans, or it suddenly became fashionable to look like you're homeless.

I mean, you can't even hardly buy any jeans anymore that don't have some kind of wierd wear pattern on the front knees/thighs or a rip in one of the pockets, or they look like some grease monkey has been using them as his shop towel for the last 5 years.

What the hell? I can't even comprehend buying something BRAND NEW, pre worn out. (or maybe it's pre worn in, either way). What happened to that "brand new fresh pants" feel, has it just been replaced with "ooh, look at my fresh new grease-stained jeans"?

Somebody inform me...
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